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2021: The Meetings Industry Doesn’t Stop

Throughout much of 2020, the meetings and events industry dedicated itself to learning, adapting, and designing strategies to continue being a space that fosters business and the exchange of knowledge. This 2021 is the year to consolidate all those learnings with the aim of creating better processes that allow organizers to enjoy #SafeExperiences at the Valle del Pacífico Events Center (CEVP).

Just like us, other members of our industry continue to research and innovate. For example, several events worldwide have already taken place this year with strict biosecurity protocols that encourage reliable and safe reactivation. One such event is the PCMA Convening Leaders, which was successfully held in a hybrid format.

How did they achieve this? They used a recording studio to broadcast their panelists’ conferences while also offering the possibility of attending in person. These types of strategies are a good complement to the current limitation of 50-person capacity in Colombia and can easily adapt to any format: congress, fair, or assembly.

And if we add #OutdoorSpaces to the advantages of virtuality, the result is a safe and high-quality experience. We invite you to learn about our biosecurity protocols, our spaces, and our digital services offer. At the Valle del Pacífico Events Center, we don’t stop so your organization can continue connecting ideas and closing deals.

What People Say About Us

Comestibles Aldor: “Everything went super well. At the Valle del Pacífico Events Center, they have all the biosecurity protocols in place, and we felt very well attended.”

64 Films: “In logistical terms, it’s a perfect place. The biosecurity protocol has worked very well. There is enough space for catering, work, and offices.”

Municipal Institute of Culture of Yumbo: “We want to highlight the kindness of all your staff and the biosecurity protocols. We appreciate the effort they put in to make our event a success.”

Iñaki Ros, Spanish Film Producer: “Being a very spacious venue with good airflow, biosecurity protocols can be easily implemented.”

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