Big News, Big Events

For eleven years, nearly four million people have been part of the more than 1,000 events that have trusted us. We have experienced all types of events alongside our clients,…

The Path to Hybrid Events

Colombia has entered a new phase of reactivating the country's productive activities. Gradually, we will see more sectors of the economy join this effort. The Meetings and Events Industry, for…

2021: The Meetings Industry Doesn’t Stop

Throughout much of 2020, the meetings and events industry dedicated itself to learning, adapting, and designing strategies to continue being a space that fosters business and the exchange of knowledge.…

6 Good Reasons to Organize a Hybrid Event

Still have doubts about the benefits of organizing a hybrid event? Here are some good reasons:Reach a Global and Broader Audience (Both In-person and Virtual): Hybrid events allow you to…

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