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A Letter for 16 Years of Stories

To all those who have been part of our journey,

Sixteen years ago, when the structure of the Valle del Pacífico Events Center was just beginning to take shape, it seemed like a distant dream. However, thanks to the effort and contributions of companies and organizations committed to regional development, those foundations became the solid base of what we now know as an icon in our region. It was collaboration and shared vision that allowed us to transform a dream into a tangible reality for the community.

The inauguration in 2007 marked the starting point, a moment that heralded a new era for our region. Since that day, the Valle del Pacífico Events Center has stood as a beacon for gathering and connections. The lights shone brightly, symbolizing the potential of this venue to become the epicenter of culture, business, and innovation in the Valle del Cauca.

Since Grupo Heroica took over operations in 2018, the Events Center has not only witnessed major events but has also become a hub for development and promotion in the region. We have hosted cultural events that have captivated thousands, with the participation of international artists who have left their mark on our stage. Additionally, we have been the focal point for congresses and political meetings that have shaped the political landscape of our country and region, proving that we are more than just a meeting place; we are catalysts for change.

Undoubtedly, none of this would have been possible without the people who, from the construction phase onward, have worked tirelessly to bring every detail to life. Our collaborators are the driving force behind every event—dedicated individuals who have embraced our clients’ dreams as their own and turned them into unforgettable experiences.

Looking ahead, we have even greater dreams. We aim to continue being the place where the region’s most important decisions are made, exceeding the expectations of our attendees, continuing to make dreams a reality, generating more employment, and strengthening our destination.

On this sixteenth anniversary, we celebrate not only the journey of the Valle del Pacífico Events Center but also every person who has contributed to this endeavor. Happy 16 years, filled with achievements and dreams come true. We look forward to continuing to be the catalyst for development that propels the region toward a promising future.


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