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COP16 on Biodiversity: A Milestone for Colombia and Valle del Cauca

Valle del Cauca will host COP16, an international gathering marking crucial discussions for the future of our planet. The Valle del Pacífico Event Center will be the venue where these important global environmental decisions will be made. But what do we know about this event? Here we aim to highlight key aspects to understand its significance and what it means for our nation and region.

What is the COP?

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is an international meeting that brings together world leaders, scientists, activists, and representatives of civil society to address the most relevant environmental challenges of our time. It is framed within the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

This event is held every two years and is one of the most important international forums for making political decisions to address the biodiversity loss crisis. At its last session, COP15, held in Montreal (Canada), 196 countries signed the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, aimed at halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030.

In the 2024 edition, nations are expected to address issues related to the preservation of biological diversity, the promotion of the sustainable use of its components, and the pursuit of fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources.

COP draws considerable political attention due to the type of decisions made there, seeking solutions to critical global problems to stop and reverse nature loss by 2030.

Why was Colombia and Valle del Cauca chosen?

Colombia was selected as the host country for this session, to be held from October 21 to November 1, 2024, as it is one of the most biodiverse territories on the planet, with 10% of the world’s biodiversity in 2,129,748 square kilometers of continental and maritime territory. This represents a milestone for fulfilling the national biodiversity agenda.

Moreover, Valle del Cauca’s capital has all the potential to be the host city, as its natural surroundings boast nearly 600 species of different birds, 7 rivers, 12 eco-parks, 61 wetlands, 8 trees per inhabitant, and the Farallones National Natural Park. Its biodiversity is protected by indigenous and Afro-descendant populations, which represent 35% of the Pacific region.

President Gustavo Petro emphasized the importance of choosing a location that not only had the capacity to host the event but also embodied the conference’s ideals and principles. Cali was chosen for its proximity to the Colombian Pacific, a region recognized for its abundant natural diversity and profound ethnic and cultural value, highlighting the concept of “human biodiversity.”

To ensure Cali’s selection as the COP16 venue, coordinated efforts were made between the mayor’s office, the governor’s office, the private sector, the Valle del Pacífico Event Center, and other public entities. These efforts resulted in a winning proposal that highlighted the unique qualities of Valle del Cauca and ensured our region was chosen as the ideal place to host this globally significant event.

What does this mean for the country and the region?

This announcement marks a milestone for Colombia, as it prepares to lead crucial conservation discussions at a global level. Hosting a conference of this magnitude provides a global platform for the country, increasing its visibility internationally.

In terms of investment, organizing such a large event implies an additional boost to infrastructure and services, translating into economic benefits for the host country and promoting tourism and culture.

Thus, holding COP16 not only represents an environmental milestone but also an invaluable opportunity to boost the integral development of the region and the country as a whole. This global event concerns not only environmental issues but also has a significant impact on Colombia’s economic, social, and cultural fabric, especially Cali, the host city.

In the tourism chain, the event will generate considerable economic activity, from the hiring of accommodation, food, and transportation services to the creation of direct and indirect jobs in various sectors. Additionally, the arrival of international delegations and international media attention will provide a unique opportunity to promote tourism and investment in the region, thus driving long-term sustainable economic growth.

Regarding infrastructure, hosting COP16 will involve improving and modernizing the city’s and surrounding areas’ facilities and public services, benefiting both conference attendees and the local community. The event will leave a lasting legacy in sustainable urban infrastructure and development.

From a social and cultural perspective, it will foster the exchange of knowledge and experiences among local communities, scientists, activists, and world leaders, thus strengthening social ties and promoting collaboration and intercultural dialogue. It will also offer the opportunity to highlight and celebrate Colombia’s cultural and ethnic richness.

Why the Valle del Pacífico Event Center?

The Valle del Pacífico Event Center was inaugurated in 2007 by the Cali Chamber of Commerce as a result of an unprecedented collaboration between the public sector, private sector, and the community. Each space of this venue belongs to Valle del Cauca and the Pacific region, conceived from its planning as the epicenter for the region’s most relevant decision-making and as a driver for Valle del Cauca’s economic, social, and cultural development. Its integrative architecture blends with outdoor spaces, allowing a harmonious connection with the region’s characteristic biodiverse nature.

Since Grupo Heroica’s administration began in 2018, the venue has adopted sustainability policies that position us as a leader in energy and water savings, besides committing to protecting the native fauna and flora present in our natural spaces.

With the capacity to host between 12,000 and 18,000 people, our highly qualified team is ready to manage events of any kind, supported by more than 200 national and international professionals dedicated to providing excellent service. We also have extensive experience in organizing governmental and multilateral events, making us a reliable and efficient option.

In this sense, the decision to hold this conference in our region is a recognition of our natural and cultural wealth and provides us with the opportunity to lead the global biodiversity conservation effort. COP16 on Biodiversity is not only an international meeting but a commitment to our planet’s future and an opportunity for Colombia’s and Valle del Cauca’s sustainable development. It is a historic moment that invites us to unite efforts in protecting our environment and promoting a more prosperous and equitable future for all.

We look forward to seeing you at the Valle del Pacífico Event Center, the Home of Events that Make History.

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