Making History Through Sustainability

At the Valle del Pacífico Event Center, we are deeply committed to sustainability and environmental care. We continuously strive to implement practices that minimize the environmental impacts of our activities.

Our sustainability approach is based on five key areas of action: proper energy management, efficient water management, waste management, protection of flora and fauna, and control of noise and air pollution. These comprehensive strategies allow us to operate responsibly and minimize our environmental impact while promoting a healthy and sustainable environment for our employees and visitors.

With these strategies, we directly impact five of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), and 15 (Life on Land).

Here are our sustainable strategies:

Proper Energy Management

  1. LED Lighting: We have replaced our lamps with LED bulbs. This measure not only extends the life of the bulbs but also improves our energy efficiency and significantly reduces kilowatt consumption.
  2. Independent Air Conditioners: We installed direct expansion air conditioners in the Press and Commissions rooms, allowing an independent cooling system that saves a great amount of energy.
  3. Load Relocation: By redistributing equipment loads, we have managed to save up to 40% of energy. Our system ensures that only the areas in use consume energy, optimizing energy consumption.
  4. Team Commitment: Our entire team is committed to saving energy. We turn off electronic devices and lights when not in use, especially at the end of the workday and during weekends.
  5. 0% Air Conditioning Setups: Each of the setups we do for our events is free of air conditioning.

Water Management

  1. Faucet Regulation: All bathrooms are equipped with sensor systems and water-saving devices, protecting this valuable resource.
  2. Wastewater Treatment Plant (PTAR): Our treatment plant improves collective health, prevents diseases, conserves the environment, and minimizes the contaminant load.
  3. Irrigation System Automation: Our rainwater collection and storage system, with a capacity of up to 24,000 liters per day, significantly reduces our dependence on conventional water sources, saving approximately 6,040 cubic meters of water per year.

Waste Management

  1. Solid Waste Management Plan: We have implemented a recycling process that includes strategic collection points for waste separation (setup, event, and takedown), using the new color code to facilitate recycling.
  2. “Zero Paper” Program: We reduce paper consumption by implementing digital formats and raising awareness about saving this resource.
  3. Used Cooking Oil Disposal: Used cooking oil waste is stored and delivered to authorized managers for transformation into biodiesel.
  4. Composting Program: Pruning waste is mixed with eggshells and lime, aerated monthly, and used as fertilizer for the venue’s vegetation.

Flora and Fauna Management

  1. Natural Landscape Conservation: We maintain and care for green areas and flora species using low-impact agrochemicals. Our total area is 77,419 m², with 25,000 m² dedicated to landscaping.
  2. Flora Inventory: We conduct taxonomic classification of plant species in our landscape design.
  3. Fauna Care: We are guardians of the life and habitat of native species that inhabit our sector.

Noise and Air Pollution Management

  1. Acoustic Panels: We installed acoustic panels to control noise levels in the rooms, preventing noise pollution.
  2. Compliance with the Anti-Smoking Law: We identify and mark smoke-free zones according to legislation.
  3. Purchase Policies: In addition to prioritizing local producers, the products and chemicals we use are free of contaminants, ensuring the sustainable maintenance of our facilities and equipment.
  4. Each of these activities is led by different team members.

Additionally, at the Valle del Pacífico Event Center, we have the support of Grupo Heroica, our operator, which has solid and rigorous policies governing our operations. These policies ensure that we maintain the highest sustainability standards in all our actions. Together, we are committed to building a legacy of sustainability and environmental responsibility in every event we organize.

We are convinced that sustainability is not just an option but a responsibility. We firmly believe that the future of our events is framed by sustainability and environmental care, ensuring that every activity respects and protects our environment.

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