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Recommendations for your Christmas event

Since we take our first steps, events mark our history: birthdays, special days, graduations, reunions with family and childhood friends, quinceañeras, anniversaries, company parties, and Christmas novenas; all culminating in a very special time of year that brings together great stories – reconnecting with family, friends, and loved ones we haven’t seen all year.

Today, we want to share these recommendations with you to celebrate this Christmas and treasure memorable moments in our hearts.

Will it be a dinner with family or perhaps a gathering with friends?


During this season, we all gather to share pleasant moments, so it’s important to send invitations. Whether formally with a printed card or digitally through a text message invitation.

These invitations set the tone for the event; they communicate to your guests the activities, theme, and even the dress code.

Remember to request RSVPs; this will help you better plan for food and activities.

Venue and Decoration

Will it be an event at your home or will you choose another venue?

Choosing the venue will determine possible activities and decorations. You might consider creating a cozy atmosphere at home with essentials like a Christmas tree and nativity scene. Alternatively, an outdoor activity could allow your guests to enjoy nature.

Decoration, lighting, and music are crucial aspects to consider if you want to create an event that will be remembered by all.


Remember, depending on the timing of your event, the ideal food choices may vary.

If you aim to pamper your guests, beverages are a must. A great idea is to have a station with seasonal drinks like hot chocolate, traditional Christmas cocktails, or local favorites such as champús or lulada.

Additionally, don’t forget about typical local foods: desamargado (a traditional drink), buñuelos (fried cheese bread), natilla (a type of custard), rollo de carne (meat roll), tamales, hojaldras (pastry), manjar blanco (blancmange), and many more delights that will make your event perfect for making all guests feel at home.

And don’t skip the toast; choose your favorite liquor and make sure to kick off the festivities with shots of Aguardiente.


What activities will your guests enjoy?

Activities are fundamental. You could organize gift exchanges, play board games, write down dreams and goals for the next year, burn the old year away, and more.

Consider hosting a themed party; include a DJ, a Christmas photo booth, a magic show, karaoke, or even invite Santa Claus.

And don’t forget to create a playlist with the best Christmas hits.

Bonus: Make sure to capture and immortalize the memories of celebrating with your loved ones and friends.

Tell us, how will your Christmas event be?

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