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Renew Your Experience: Why Trade the Sea for the Mountains?

Sun, beach, sand, sea; the combination that many prefer when choosing a destination. However, what about the majestic mountains that gracefully rise toward the sky? Or the hidden wonders among their peaks and valleys?

Beyond conventional destination choices, it is crucial to consider and seek a balanced combination of cultural, gastronomic, and educational experiences that enrich each attendee’s experience at the event. It is in this context that Valle del Cauca emerges as a versatile and vibrant tourist destination, often overshadowed by the allure of coastal beaches. This piece of land hides cultural treasures, lush nature, and a vibrant culinary scene, making it an ideal place for hosting large-scale events such as Congresses and Conventions.

Today, we will take you on a tour through 5 reasons why Valle del Cauca is the perfect choice for your next event. Trade the waves of the sea for the majesty of the mountains; because more than a destination, we are a state of mind:

  1. Imagine an explosion of culture that envelops you in its warmth and authenticity. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Valle del Cauca, where the passion for salsa and music fills the air and brings every corner to life. From vibrant festivals to salsa dance classes, live shows, and the opportunity to delve into history through its historical sites and unique architecture, Valle del Cauca offers a cultural experience that will inspire and captivate your attendees. Your convention or event will have the chance to embrace these cultural expressions; perhaps enjoy a night of salsa at Topa Tolondra or take a dance class at one of the 50 best nightclubs in the world, La Pérgola Clandestina; or even close your event with a salsa show like Delirio or Ensálsate in the place where you held your event.
  2. Ready for a dose of excitement and adventure? While the allure of the beach is undeniable, Valle del Cauca offers a diverse range of attractions and activities that perfectly compete with the serenity of the waves. From thrilling hiking excursions in the Farallones of Cali and skydiving in the municipality of Roldanillo, to leisurely tours of vineyards in La Unión and nature adventures like the Cali Zoo. This destination offers something to satisfy every adventurous soul.
  3. The true magic of Valle del Cauca unfolds through its cuisine, a fusion of tradition, flavor, and creativity. Here, food is an art in itself, reflecting the region’s diversity and richness in every dish. From the comforting Sancocho to the freshness and exquisiteness of seafood, your convention delegates will be immersed in a world of exquisite flavors, unleashing a symphony of delights on their palates and leaving a lasting impression of hospitality and love for good food. Remember that you can enjoy a gastronomic experience at your event venue, without missing the visit to gastronomic areas of the city of Cali like El Peñón, San Antonio, and Granada; or extend your trip a little further from the city and enjoy a traditionally Valluno dish in one of our magical towns, Ginebra.
  4. Provide your attendees with the opportunity to explore new destinations in Colombia, thus fostering valuable moments of networking and meaningful connections. Unlike the crowded coastal areas, alternative destinations offer a range of unique and distinctive tourist attractions that may be less known to your attendees. In Valle del Cauca, between sips of coffee, every conversation flows effortlessly, creating a conducive environment for interaction, the exchange of ideas, and the establishment of lasting relationships that transcend the convention itself.
  5. And let’s not forget the weather, always reliable and temperate, welcoming every visitor with open arms. The gentle and welcoming winds of Valle del Cauca are a safe and reliable option for holding conventions, compared to coastal areas that can be unpredictable and prone to extreme weather conditions. Here, you can be assured that your planned activities will not be disrupted by unexpected weather events, allowing you to fully focus on the success and enjoyment of your event.

Have you seen the episode of the Pacific Coast of Colombia on the Finding Encanto tourist route?

Selassie, a Franco-Ghanaian chef, has dedicated herself to seeking the culinary heritage of Africa around the world. This time she arrives on the Colombian Pacific coast, where she learns about traditions, recipes, and the great variety of ingredients present in the region’s gastronomy.

Watch the episode

In conclusion, Valle del Cauca is not just a destination; it is an experience. From its majestic mountains to its energetic cultural scene, it offers much more than just a showcase of natural beauty; it is a vibrant reflection of the rich diversity and welcoming spirit of Colombia.

Would you still choose the beach?…


Santiago de Cali has been recognized twice consecutively as South America’s Leading Cultural City Destination in the World Travel Awards and is the only city in Colombia that is part of the Délice Network.

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