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The Impact of Convention Centers in the Regions

Worldwide, there are more than 156 convention centers in 52 countries. In Latin America there are 5 venues affiliated to the International Association of Convention Centers (AIPC), which is the industry association for professional managers of convention and exhibition centers worldwide. These convention centers are located in 3 countries such as Argentina, Costa Rica and Colombia, where 3 are located: Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias, Agora Bogotá Convention Center and Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico.

In Colombia, the realization of meetings for 2018 represented 22.8% of the total income that the country receives from tourism, according to Gilberto Salcedo, the vice president of tourism of ProColombia; generating about $2.45 billion dollars annually. In this way, convention centers become fundamental spaces for the growth of the industry and the development of the nation; contributing to the generation of jobs, growth of industries and clusters, and contributing to cultural and social diversification.

ProColombia, which is the entity in charge of promoting Tourism and Foreign Investment in Colombia, reports that for the year 2022, between January and February, the arrival of international visitors to the country for business meetings and professional events was 16,634 travelers, which represents an increase of 123.1% compared to the same months of the previous year.

To date, the entire MICE industry is seeking to continue improving the figures, as they are aware of being a fundamental pillar for the leverage of the Colombian economy. To go much deeper into the subject, Juliana López, president of Grupo Heroica and member of the AIPC Board, talks to us about the impact of convention centers in the regions.

Juliana Lopez

How does the Meetings Industry relate to the advancement of the region and tourism?

J.L: The meetings industry has a direct relationship with the advancement of regions and tourism. Meetings themselves generate knowledge transfer and possibilities for commercial relations that lead to business and investment; the operation of convention centers to attend these meetings generates direct and indirect employment, as well as purchases from a broad chain of local suppliers, many of them micro-entrepreneurs.

In terms of tourism, meetings generate high-level tourism, since there is a high possibility that delegates will decide to extend their visit beyond the days of the event, that they will attend in the company of their families, thus generating a high number of visitors, and that they will return to the destination having generated a good experience from the event. Undoubtedly, the meetings industry is an important driver of development and progress for the regions.

What are the sectors or industries that benefit most from the high demand for convention centers?

J.L: The benefit generated to a region from a high occupancy of Convention Centers is very broad; multiple sectors are impacted, such as transporters, hotels, restaurants, agencies, event producers, professional congress organizers and an extensive chain of suppliers. Micro and medium-sized companies are benefited, and as events are generated in their city, it is easier for them to participate in trade fairs and updating and innovation events without having to travel far and at much lower costs, opening up valuable networking and business management opportunities. Local universities benefit, since the meetings bring together experts from all over the world, with whom the possibility of articulating joint activities in favor of knowledge generation is opened up.

How do we link convention centers to the tourism value chain?

J.L: Convention Centers must have a close relationship with all the actors in the tourism chain. In order to capture an event, as well as to ensure that event attendees have the best possible experience in the destination, it is necessary to generate spaces for communication and coordination of efforts, so that visitors perceive a destination aligned in favor of an excellent experience. This is achieved when there is a defined meetings tourism cluster and a clear MICE orientation built collectively by all stakeholders in the value chain..

How does the customer experience at the venue during an event influence the positioning of the region among tourists?

J.L: When hundreds or thousands of visitors participate in an event at a convention center, an important part of the image they take with them of the destination and its people is what they perceive from their experience at the venue. This experience marks the possibility that they may wish to return to the destination on vacation on a future occasion, or extend their stay. This is why it is so important for venues to prepare themselves to offer the maximum hospitality possible to their visitors, to dedicate themselves to the constant training of their human talent and, as far as possible, to let visitors know a little bit of the region.

Gissell González, General Manager of Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, answers the following question:

What is the real impact of holding meetings at the Valle del Pacífico Events Center for the Valle del Cauca region?

G.G: The southwest of Colombia has the Valle del Pacífico Events Center, a venue that in its 14 years has hosted more than 1,000 national and international events. Today, operated by Grupo Heroica, we have promoted and positioned Valle del Cauca as an ideal destination in Latin America, allowing it to host events that generate economic impact and exchange of experiences.

So far in 2022, 43 events have been held, generating 1,800 indirect jobs. After pandemic, we have been able to grow in the number of collaborators, going from 16 collaborators to have 40 in fixed plant that are at the service of all customers to attend the events. In addition, we have consolidated a group of extra personnel, including waiters, public areas and set-ups, thus generating development to the main suppliers such as ExpoValle, Plataforma, Orbit, Seguridad Nápoles, Domingo de Vereda, Proteseg, Pasarela, Cámara de Comercio de Cali, among others.

This precinct has been the home of events that have marked history. For example, among the different governmental events; recently, our venue received as his first visit to the regions, the President and Vice President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, in the First Meeting of Mayors of the Pacific Coast; a space where important decisions were made for our region in the context of the entry of a new government.

Also, this year we hosted the 37th LACNIC 2022 Technology Congress, one of the most relevant Internet events, which brings together experts for multi-sector dialogue, high-level technical training and debate on the topics that most interest the Internet community. With international visitors who enjoyed a charming Valle del Cauca. These two events are a clear example of the economic spillover from meetings and events.

Additionally, we have been part of the dynamization and internationalization of the Colombian economy with events such as Macrorrueda 90, where Colombian exporters and international buyers make business appointments; and the various Fenalco fairs, spaces where Colombian entrepreneurs and businessmen approach their market niches.

We have also been the venue for various corporate events, belonging to the top 500 most important companies in Valle del Cauca, such as Comestibles Aldor, Cervecería del Valle, Gases de Occidente, Emcali, Grupo Coomeva, Chamber of Commerce, among others.

The different suppliers and clients of the Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, express their feelings and thoughts about the different moments experienced with the venue, being a clear example of the importance of the event center for the region.

“It was a challenge for us to resume large volume events due to Covid-19. This was solved by complying with biosafety protocols, and thanks to the good accompaniment of CEVP and the great logistical and administrative support we were able to pull off an event flawlessly.” Orbit General Manager.

“It is a world-class event center that has contributed a lot to the tourism industry and to the economic and social development of the region.” Says Julian Franco, Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Valle del Cauca.

**Juliana López is currently the president of Grupo Heroica, which is the company in charge of operating the Cartagena de Indias Convention Center, the Pacific Valley Events Center and the Costa Rica Convention Center.

  • She is an Industrial Engineer. She has a Master’s Degree in International Business from Florida International University and studies in Senior Management and Leadership from Universidad de los Andes.
  • She is a current member of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Nautical Association and a member of the Board of AIPC.
  • She has been recognized by Latinamerica Meetings magazine as one of the 15 Most Influential Leaders of the Meetings Industry in Latin America, and as part of the commemoration of Women’s Day, she was recognized by the global association management consulting company, Interel Group, as one of the “20 Women Who Advance Associations in 2020”.


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