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The reunion of the associative events

For several months we thought about this great reunion. For more than 18 months our venue lived the distancing at another level; our clients prepared to live virtual meetings, connect through new experiences and prepare the right date for their big event.

It has become a necessity to share spaces to transfer knowledge, connect with exhibitors, enjoy local gastronomy, toast among colleagues and share with clients and exhibitors.

We have witnessed these reunions and how the experiences have been enriched through the face-to-face activities. Today we are happy to have received in our venue great associations such as Lacnic, Fenavi, Asobancaria, FEDOPTO; who waited to meet again.

During this year, the Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico will continue to receive associations belonging to different industries that expect to hold events where spaces that allow reconnection, collaborative work and economic impact on their organizations are woven.

On August 26 and 27, FEDOPTO – Colombian Federation of Optometrists – held its XXXI National Optometry Congress, an event that was in the planning process for almost three years due to the health emergency.

For two days, attendees had the opportunity to participate in 50 talks, 20 workshops and 18 presentations. In addition, they had the opportunity to participate in an incredible trade show.

Although the planning of the event was affected by various circumstances, its execution was a complete success. This is how Dr. Marcela Huertas, the Association’s Treasurer, describes it.

“The desire to meet again and the industry’s support for the event were so great that we favorably over-executed by 50%; more than 1,200 people attended. The human warmth and fellowship was felt again. The climate, the city and the environment are factors that make people participate and have decided to come.”

Also, Dr. Laura Patricia Gordo Peña, President of the Colombian Federation of Optometrists College highlighted the importance of the space:

“We optometrists were really very happy to meet again in an academic scientific space made by optometrists for optometrists, where we sought not only to strengthen our competencies as professionals, but also the possibility of sharing and strengthening our bonds of friendship and collegiality.”

The successful realization of this event has pleasantly impacted the industry in terms of economic leverage; it has allowed the organization to generate a great impact by working closely with its affiliates; and it also means a contribution to our region, which is increasingly positioning itself as a solid destination for the meetings and MICE tourism industry.

The General Manager of the Pacific Valley Events Center, Gissell Gonzalez, commented on the contribution to the region through the realization of events such as this one.

“Seeing the work of our team, the illusion with which every detail was planned, receiving communications of increasing numbers of attendees each week and having our client meet the objective of the event is for us a great satisfaction. Not only because we met our objective as an Event Center, but we impacted the industry and our region.”

In relation to the contribution to the region, some relevant data from our allies; hotels such as the Spiwak that achieved an occupancy of 80% and the City of 60%; Mulato Cabaret that achieved a date with the attendees and filled 50% of its capacity; drives us to continue working for the positioning of the destination. As well as the contribution of optometrists to perform surgeries for children with visual difficulties.

In the coming months, our venue will host more associative events such as the XII Tecnicaña 2022 Congress, the VI Meeting of Aggregates Industry Producers – ASOGRAVAS and the X Congress of Horizontal Property 2022; spaces of projection and discussion for the industries, and growth for the region. Likewise, in the different types of events, we will have more than 13 thousand people visiting us.

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