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The Valle del Pacífico Events Center Celebrates 13 Years of History

If we had to choose three words to encapsulate our 13 years of history, we would choose: transformation, renewal, and innovation.

These three words become even more relevant in defining this past year, which has been full of interesting challenges for our industry, testing our ability to reinvent and adapt to unexpected environments.

This year, we celebrate 13 years of history in a different setting: the way we meet and organize events has changed significantly. We now find ourselves in a hybrid world, combining the best of in-person and virtual experiences.

That has been our goal in recent months: how can we continue to offer high-quality services and specialized attention to our clients in this hybrid environment?

Thanks to hard work, the Events Center team has been able to implement strategies that allow us to make the most of our experience and professionalism in organizing events, and capitalize on the advantages offered by technological resources.

We are now on our way to consolidating ourselves as a biosecure venue for hybrid events. We have designed and implemented a strict biosecurity protocol to ensure the well-being of organizers, participants, and collaborators.

We are even prepared for when local and national authorities allow the gradual increase of capacity.

During this transition period to the new normal, the Valle del Pacífico Events Center hosted a corporate meeting for Comestibles Aldor. An event that met the organizers’ expectations without neglecting biosecurity measures such as social distancing and capacity limitation.

A demonstration of the Meetings Industry’s commitment to this new normal.

Undoubtedly, this event was a different experience compared to the more than 1,000 events held at the Events Center during these 13 years of history. And for 2021, our mission is to become a benchmark biosecure venue in the region.

This will be possible, in part, thanks to the trust of organizers who decided to reschedule their events rather than cancel them. This has a positive impact on the economic reactivation of Valle del Cauca.

For example, in recent years, the Events Center has hosted major events that have a significant impact on the region’s economy: from the FTA Negotiation Round with South Korea, the OAS Ministers Meeting, and the Pacific Alliance Summit, among other congresses and fairs.

Our venue has become an economic driver and a promoter of development for the region. In numbers, the CEVP has generated hundreds of direct and indirect jobs, with a significant economic impact over the past 13 years.

It has been 13 years of history, a story that began in 2007 thanks to an investment of nearly $80 billion pesos. Resources came from private entities like the Cali Chamber of Commerce, Banco de Occidente, public entities like Fontur, and the support of dozens of local entrepreneurs.

Thanks to them, it was possible to build our venue which, unexpectedly, became a home, the home of events that make history.

Some organizations that highlight the CEVP in its 13-year history:

“Hosting events at the Valle del Pacífico Events Center means success. Events here are always successful in attendance and cleanliness. It means support for the region and, above all, commitment. They attract the world’s attention to the Department and help us showcase regional producers and recognize the benefits of the region’s industry.”


“Holding the CAMP – Congress on Access to Financial Services and Payment Methods – contributed to participants and sponsors understanding the scale of the event organized by Asobancaria, reflected in the number of participants and the type of setup and audiovisual projection that the Valle del Pacífico Events Center allows.

All of this supports our strategy of positioning the image of the events organized by Asobancaria across Latin America.”

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