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The Value of Diversity: The Pivotal Role of Women in the MICE Industry

Despite significant progress in the fight for gender equality, women still face economic and employment challenges worldwide. In 2022, more than 2.4 billion working-age women lacked equal economic opportunities, with legal barriers in 178 countries hindering their full participation in the economy. In this context, the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) industry stands out as a field where women are making significant strides.

In Colombia, despite making up 51.2% of the total population, women face disadvantages in the labor market. A report by Cepal and Dane revealed higher unemployment rates, occupational segregation, and informality among women. In fact, 3 out of 10 women lack their own income compared to 1 out of 10 men.

According to the Colombian Women’s Observatory, in 2021, women’s participation in leadership positions reached 39% in top decision-making roles. This progress is significant, but there is still a way to go to achieve gender equity in executive positions.

Closing the gender employment gap could increase per capita GDP in the long run by nearly 20% on average across all countries. Studies estimate global economic gains of $5 to $6 trillion if women started and scaled new businesses at the same rate as men.

The MICE industry is emerging as a notable example of how women are breaking barriers and gaining ground in the labor world. According to a recent report by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE), the presence of women in senior management positions in the MICE industry has seen an impressive 30% increase over the past decade.

Achieving gender equity in the MICE industry is a fundamental goal for attaining greater diversity of thought. As more women ascend to leadership and decision-making positions, a fairer and more balanced representation in the workforce is achieved. This diversity of thought is essential to address current and future challenges in the industry, as it fosters greater creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Additionally, a more diverse and equitable workforce creates a more inclusive and collaborative work environment, attracting and retaining the brightest and most diverse talent.

Although the presence of women in executive roles has improved, there is still a long way to go toward gender equality in the MICE industry. According to a report by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), only 40% of leadership positions in this industry are held by women, despite the economic benefits of gender diversity.

A study by McKinsey & Company found that companies with greater gender diversity in their executive teams are 21% more likely to outperform their industry average financially. This is due to benefits in decision-making and creativity.

The value and pivotal role that women play are based on their ability to foster collaboration and teamwork, their empathy, and their attention to detail; qualities that bring invaluable value to the planning and execution of successful events. Women leaders in the MICE industry not only demonstrate their competence in project management and strategic decision-making but also infuse sensitivity and a unique touch that enriches the attendee experience. Their presence balances and enriches the workplace, providing a holistic and versatile perspective to a constantly evolving sector.

In Colombia, the presence of successful women in this industry is notable, and their influence is reflected in experienced leaders who have elevated female power through their achievements. An inspiring example is Juliana López, President of Grupo Heroica, a company committed to the sustainable operation of conference and convention centers, including the Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, which boasts outstanding female leadership under Gissell González.

Additionally, various entities like ProColombia with María Eugenia Oriani, Manager of Meetings Tourism, and Cali Valle Bureau, with its Executive Director Catalina García, have remarkable leaders promoting meetings and events tourism. These exemplary women demonstrate the fundamental role of females in the MICE industry and their ability to make a significant difference in the sector.

Women leaders in the industry not only leave a significant mark professionally but also serve as inspiration for other women seeking careers in this field. Their success and dedication to overcoming obstacles and challenges send a powerful message about the importance of pursuing dreams and aspiring to leadership roles. Through their example, they motivate other women to overcome stereotypes and gender barriers, proving that talent and capability have no gender limits. The inspiration provided by female leaders in the MICE industry is a driving force that encourages more women to seek opportunities and reach their full potential, creating a more equal and promising future for all. Moreover, the value placed on family and work-life balance that many leaders in the MICE industry promote shows how professional success can be achieved without sacrificing family and personal well-being.

This underscores the notion that gender diversity in leadership is not only a matter of social justice but also a critical factor for business success that can lead to higher financial performance. However, significant challenges remain to achieve gender economic equality in Colombia and worldwide.

Our venue will have the honor of hosting the III Annual Women’s Leadership in Boards Meeting on September 21-22, an event that aims to reduce the gender gap in leadership positions nationwide and showcase the available female talent. As of today, around 350 women are part of the

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